



岳钦艳,女,工学博士,云顶国际集团教授,博士生导师, 享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家,云顶国际资源环境系主任。本科毕业于北京大学化学系化学专业,获理学学士学位;在云顶国际集团获物理化学理学硕士和环境工程工学博士学位。 国家注册环境影响评价工程师,国家清洁生产审计师。




1. 1978.101982.7  北京大学化学系化学专业,大学本科,获理学学士学位;

2. 1988.91992.12  云顶国际集团化学院物理化学专业,硕士研究生,获理学硕士学位;

3. 2005.32007.12  云顶国际集团环境科学与工程系环境工程专业,博士研究生,获工学博士学位。


1. 1987.3至今  云顶国际集团化学院、云顶国际,工程师,副教授,教 授、博士生导师

2. 1982.71987.3  山东省医药工业研究所,助理工程师


1. 工业水处理剂和新型环境功能材料的研究

2. 污泥脱水和工业固废资源化技术的研究

3. 农业固体废物资源化技术的研究

4. 高浓度难降解有机废水处理技术研究






1. 基于秸秆的三维石墨烯吸附材料的制备、吸油性能和作用机制研究,国家自然基金项目。

2. 山东省重大科技创新工程项目:高耗能高污染行业绿色高效清洁生产关键技术集成与应用。

3. 不同铝形态铝盐混凝剂的混凝行为对混凝-超滤联用工艺的效能及对膜污染影响机制研究,国家自然基金项目。

4. 十二·国家科技支撑计划重大项目村镇宜居社区与小康住宅重大科技工程项目乡村社区环境优化建设关键技术研究的子课题农村生活垃圾分类收集与转运技术、因地制宜的农村有机垃圾生物处理与资源化利用技术

5. 利用农业秸秆制备阳离子型吸附剂及其性能的研究,国家自然基金项目。

6. 垃圾焚烧飞灰陶粒基绿色墙体自保温材料的研究,山东省科技发展计划项目。

7. 利用污泥/赤泥/钢渣等固体废物制备新型粒状多孔材料的膨胀机理研究, 2010年教育部博士点基金项目。

8. 环境友好Fe0/C复合粒状材料的研制及其处理丙烯腈废水的研究,2012年山东省科技攻关项目。

9. 城市污水处理厂污泥低成本减量化、无害化处置成套技术研究,2006年山东省科技攻关项目。

10. 生物促进型轻质污泥陶粒在制药废水深度处理中的应用与研究,2010年济南市高校院所自主创新计划项目。

11. 南四湖底泥污染物释放规律预测模型的研究,2007年山东省自然基金项目。

12. 市政污泥低成本减量化、资源化成套技术和装备,2007年山东省省级环保产业技术研发项目。

13. 城市污水处理厂污泥资源化技术应用研究,2006年济南市科技攻关项目。

14. 新型环保材料-澎润土复合材料的研究,2003年山东省科技攻关项目。

15. 阳离子型有机高分子处理剂的研制,2003年山东省自然基金项目。

16. 承担多项环境影响评价项目和横向开发项目。


到目前为止,已在国内外核心期刊发表高水平SCI学术论文600余篇。至20236月,h-index 77


1. Hongbing Dan, Yue Gao, Lidong Feng, Weiyan Yin, Xing Xu, Baoyu Gao, Qinyan Yue. Super-amphiphilic graphene promotes peroxymonosulfate-based emulsion catalysis for efficient oil purification. Journal of Hazardous Materials,445(2023)130469. (SCI)

2. Yao Wei, Yan Kong, Qinyan Yue, Hongbing Dan, Xiaohu Cheng, Lidong Feng, Weiyan Yin, Baoyu Gao, Yue Gao. Magnetic field assisted synthesis of JANUS Fe3C@ Enteromorpha doped graphene aerogels for simultaneous recovery of fresh water and salt in high salinity wastewater. Separation and Purification Technology 308 (2023) 122845. (SCI)

3. Guocui Wu, Wenjia Kong, Yue Gao, Yan Kong, Zhenguo Dai, Hongbing Dan, Yanan Shang, Shouquan Wang, Fengjiao Yin, Qinyan Yue, Baoyu Gao. Removal of chloramphenicol by sulfide-modified nanoscale zero-valent iron activated persulfate: Performance, salt resistance, and reaction mechanisms. Chemosphere, 286 (2022) 131876. (SCI)

1. Yan Kong, Shumei Zhang, Yue Gao, Xiaohu Cheng, Wenjia Kong, Yuanfeng Qi , Shouquan Wang , Fengjiao Yin , Zhenguo Dai , Qinyan Yue , Baoyu Gao.  Low-temperature carbonization synthesis of carbon-based super-hydrophobic foam for efficient multi-state oil/water separation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 423 (2022) 127064. (SCI)

2. Yan Kong, Yue Gao, Yunkai Sun, Yuanfeng Qi, Weiyan Yin, Shouquan Wang, Fengjiao Yin, Zhenguo Dai, Baoyu Gao and Qinyan Yue. Manipulating a vertical temperature-gradient of Fe@Enteromorpha/graphene aerogel to enhanced solar evaporation and sterilization. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10,3750 (SCI)

3. Lidong Feng , Yue Gao*, Xuan Hou, Hongbing Dan, Yao Wei, Weiyan Yin, Baoyu Gao, Qinyan Yue. Phytic acid and graphene oxide functionalized sponge with special-wettability and electronegativity for oil-in-water emulsion separation in single-step. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 4352022129003. (SCI)

7. Yan Kong, Yue Gao*, Baoyu Gao , Yuanfeng Qi, Weiyan Yin, Shouquan Wang , Fengjiao Yin, Zhenguo Dai, Qinyan Yue*. Tubular polypyrrole enhanced elastomeric biomass foam as a portable interfacial evaporator for efficient self-desalination. Chemical Engineering Journal, 445 (2022) 136701. (SCI)

8. Hongbing Dan, Kaidi Ji, Yue Gao, Weiyan Yin, Baoyu Gao, Qinyan Yue. Fabrication of superhydrophobic Enteromorpha-derived carbon aerogels via NH4H2PO4 modification for multi-behavioral oil/water separation. Science of the Total Environment, 837 (2022) 155869. (SCI)

9. Yanan Shang, Xinning Liu , Yanwei Li, Yue Gao, Baoyu Gao, Xing Xu, Qinyan Yue. Boosting fenton-like reaction by reconstructed single Fe atom catalyst for oxidizing organics: Synergistic effect of conjugated π-π sp2 structured carbon and isolated Fe-N4 sites. Chemical Engineering Journal, 446 (2022) 137120. (SCI)

10. Xiaohu Cheng, Yan Kong, Yue Gao, Hongbing Dan, Yao Wei, Weiyan Yin, Baoyu Gao, Qinyan Yue. One-step construction of P(AM-DMDAAC)/GO aerogel evaporator with Janus wettability for stable solar-driven desalination. Separation and Purification Technology, 3032022122285 . (SCI)

11. Hongbing Dan, Yan Song , Yan Xu, Yue Gao*, Wenjia Kong, Ying Huang, Qinyan Yue, Baoyu Gao. Green synthesis of Cu nanoparticles supported on straw-graphene composite for catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol. Journal of Cleaner Production, 283 (2021) 124578 . (SCI)

12. Kaidi Ji, Yue Gao, Lufan Zhang, Shue Wang, Qinyan Yue, Xing Xu, Wenjia Kong, Baoyu Gao, Zhenshan Cai, Yuhui Chen. A tunable amphiphilic Enteromorpha-modified graphene aerogel for oil/water separation. Science of the Total Environment, 763(2021)142958 . (SCI)

13. Lidong Feng Yue Gao*, Zhenguo Dai, Hongbing Dan, Fang Xiao, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Shuguang Wang. Preparation of a rice straw-based green separation layer for efficient and persistent oil-in-water emulsion separation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 4152021125594. (SCI)

14. Wenjia Kong, Qinyan Yue*, Yue Gao*, Qian Li, Xing Xu, Yan Kong, Baoyu Gao. Enhanced photodegradation of sulfadimidine via PAA/g-C3N4-Fe0 polymeric catalysts under visible light. Chemical Engineering Journal, 4132021127456. (SCI)

15. Hongbing Dan, Yan Kong, Qinyan Yue*, Jiashuo Liu, Xing Xu, Wenjia Kong, Yue Gao*, Baoyu Gao. Magnetic field-enhanced radical intensity for accelerating norfloxacin degradation under FeCu/rGO photo-Fenton catalysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 4202021127634. (SCI)

16. Yan Kong, Yue Gao, Yanan Shang, Wenjia Kong, Yuanfeng Qi, Shouquan Wang, Fengjiao Yin, Baoyu Gao, Shuguang Wang, Qinyan Yue. Synergistic adjustment of water channels and light absorption pathways. Science of the Total Environment, 797 (2021) 148912. (SCI)

17. Lidong Feng, Yue Gao*, Yan Xu, Hongbing Dan, Yuanfeng Qi, Shouquan Wang, Fengjiao Yin, Qinyan Yue, Baoyu Gao. A dual-functional layer modified GO@SiO2 membrane with excellent anti-fouling performance for continuous separation of oil-in-water emulsion to co-generate salt collection and clean water production. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 4202021126681. (SCI)

18. Qian-Qian Zhong*Li ShenYa-Qin ZhaoYu-Cui HaoLi-Cong MengYan-Juan LiuXing XuYa-Nan ShangBao-Yu GaoQin-Yan Yue. Preferential capture of phosphate by an Enteromorpha prolifera–based biopolymer encapsulating hydrous zirconium oxide nanoparticles. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28 (2021) :34584–34597. (SCI)

19. Longlong Zhang, Yue Gao, Qinyan Yue, Ping Zhang, Yu Wang, Baoyu Gao.  Prepartion and application of novel blast furnace dust based catalyticceramic-filler in electrolysis assisted catalytic micro-electrolysis system for ciprofloxacin wastewater treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020,383:121215. (SCI)

20. Yingying Shao, Yue Gao, Qinyan Yue, Wenjia Kong, Baoyu Gao, Wengang  Wangd, Wenqiang Jiang. Degradation of chlortetracycline with simultaneous removal of copper(II) from aqueous solution using wheat straw-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020,379:122384. (SCI)

21. Lishuo Chen, Rui Ni, Tengjie Yuan, Yue Gao, Wenjia Kong, Ping Zhang, Qinyan Yue, Baoyu Gao. Effects of green synthesis, magnetization, and regeneration on ciprofloxacin removal by bimetallic nZVI/Cu composites and insights of degradation mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020,382:121008. (SCI)

22. WenjiaKong, Yue Gao, Qinyan Yue, QianLi, BaoyuGao, YanKong, XindongWang PingZhangYu Wang. Performance optimization of CdS precipitated graphene oxide/polyacrylic acid composite for efficient photodegradation of chlortetracycline. Journal of Hazardous Materials2020,388:121780. (SCI)

23. Songlin Han, Yanan Zang, Yue Gao, Qinyan Yue, Ping Zhang, Wenjia Kong, Bo Jin, Xing Xu, Baoyu Gao. Co-monomer polymer anion exchange resin for removing Cr(VI) contaminants: Adsorption kinetics, mechanism and performance. Science of the Total Environment, 2020,709:136002. . (SCI)

24. Shanshan Zhang, Yue Gao, Hongbin Dan , Xing Xu , Qinyan Yue, Jianguo Yan , Wengang Wang, Baoyu Gao. Effect of washing conditions on adsorptive properties of mesoporous silica carbon composites by in-situ carbothermal treatment. Science of the Total Environment2020,716: 136770. (SCI)

25. Shang Yanan, Xu Xing, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao* and Yanwei Li. Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes encapsulating Fe/Zn nanoparticles as a persulfate activator for sulfamethoxazole degradation: role of encapsulated bimetallic nanoparticles and nonradical reaction. Environmental Science Nano, 2020,7 :1444–1453. (SCI)

26. Hongbing Dan, Nan Li, Xing Xu, Yue Gao, Ying Huang, Muhammad Akram, Weiyan Yin, Baoyu Gao, Qinyan Yue. Mechanism of sonication time on structure and adsorption properties of 3D peanut shell/graphene oxide aerogel. Science of the Total Environment, 2020,739:139983 . (SCI)

27. Yan Kong, Hongbing Dan, Wenjia Kong, Yue Gao*, Yanan Shang, Kaidi Ji, Qinyan Yue* and Baoyu Gao. Self-floating maize straw/graphene aerogel synthesized based on microbubble and ice crystal templates for efficient solar-driven interfacial water evaporation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020,8: 24734-24742. (SCI)

28. Dan Hongbing, KongYan, Yue Qinyan*, Liu JiashuoXu XingKong WenjiaGao YueGao Baoyu*. Magnetic field-enhanced radical intensity for accelerating norfloxacin degradation under FeCu/rGO photo-Fenton catalysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020-420;127634. (SCI)

29. Yuan Gao, Qinyan Yue, Baoyu Gao, Aimin Li. Insight into activated carbon from different kinds of chemical activating agents: A review. Science of the Total Environment, 2020,746: 141094(SCI)

30. Nan Li, Qinyan Yue, Baoyu Gao, Xing Xu, Ruidian Su, Bingjie yu. One-Step Synthesis of Peanut hull/Graphene Aerogel for Highly Efficient Oil-Water Separation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 207:764-771. (SCI)

31. Wenyu WangQinyan Yue, Kangying GuoFan BuXue Shen, Baoyu Gao.  Application of Al species in coagulation/ultrafiltration process: Influence of  cake layer on membrane foulingJournal of Membrane Science2019,572:161-170. (SCI)

32. Lishuo Chen, Tengjie Yuan, Rui Ni, Qinyan Yue, Baoyu Gao. Multivariate optimization of ciprofloxacin removal by polyvinylpyrrolidone stabilized NZVI/Cu bimetallic particles. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 365:183-192. (SCI)

33. Wenjia Kong, Qinyan Yue, Qian Li, Baoyu Gao. Adsorption of Cd2+ on GO/PAA hydrogel and preliminary recycled to GO/PAA/CdS as efficient photocatalyst. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 668:1165-1174. (SCI)

34. Yan Song, Huihui Li, Yue Gao, Qinyan Yue, Baoyu Gao, Wenjia Kong, Yanan Zang, Wenqiang Jiang. Grass-modified graphene aerogel for effective oil-water separation. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2019,129:119-129. (SCI)

35. Yanan Shang, Cheng Chen, Ping Zhang, Qinyan Yue, Yanwei Li, Baoyu Gao, Xing Xu. Removal of sulfamethoxazole from water via activation of persulfate by Fe3C@NCNTs including mechanism of radical and nonradical process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019,375:122004. (SCI)

36. Shumei Zhang, Guijun Liu, Yue Gao, Qinyan Yue, Baoyu Gao, Xing Xu, Wenjia Kong, Nan Li, Wenqiang Jiang. A facile approach to ultralight and recyclable 3D self-assembled copolymer/graphene aerogels for efficient oil/water separation. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 694:133671. (SCI)

37. Lishuo Chen, Rui Ni, Tengjie Yuan, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao. Removal of tridecane dicarboxylic acid in water by nanoscale Fe0/Cu0 bimetallic composites. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2018, 164: 219-225. (SCI)

38. Yang Jin, Qinyan Yue*, Kunlun Yang, Suqing Wu, Shengjie Li, Baoyu Gao*, Yuan Gao. Pre-treatment of pyridine wastewater by new cathodic–anodic-electrolysis packing. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018, 63: 43-49. (SCI)

39. Yujiao Kan, Qinyan Yue*, Siqi Liu, Baoyu Gao*. Effects of Cu and CuO on the preparation of activated carbon from waste circuit boards by H3PO4 activation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 331: 93-101. (SCI)

40. Yingying Shao, Pin Zhao, Qinyan Yue*, Yuwei Wu, Baoyu Gao*, Wenjia Kong. Preparation of wheat straw-supported Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron and its removal performance on ciprofloxacin. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2018, 158: 100-107. (SCI)

41. Yuan Gao, Xiuzhen Zhu, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao*. Facile one-step synthesis of functionalized biochar from sustainable prolifera-green-tide source for enhanced adsorption of copper ions. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018. (SCI)

42. Wenyu Wang, Qinyan Yue*, Ruihua Li, Fan Bu, Xue Shen, Baoyu Gao**. Optimization of coagulation pre-treatment for alleviating ultrafiltration membrane fouling: The role of floc properties on Al species. Chemosphere, 2018, 200: 86-92. (SCI)

43. Longlong Zhang, Qinyan Yue*, Kunlun Yang, Pin Zhao, Baoyu Gao*. Enhanced phosphorus and ciprofloxacin removal in a modified BAF system by configuring Fe-C micro electrolysis: Investigation on pollutants removal and degradation mechanisms. Journal of hazardous materials, 2018, 342: 705-714. (SCI)

44. Longlong Zhang, Qinyan Yue*, Kunlun Yang, Pin Zhao, Baoyu Gao**. Analysis of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and ciprofloxacin-degrading microbial community in the combined Fe-C micro-electrolysis-UBAF process for the elimination of high-level ciprofloxacin. Chemosphere, 2018, 193: 645-654. (SCI)

45. Yuwei Wu, Qinyan Yue*, Yuan Gao, Zhongfei Ren, Baoyu Gao*. Performance of bimetallic nanoscale zero-valent iron particles for removal of oxytetracycline. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018, 69: 173-182. (SCI)

46. Jingzhen Zhang, Qinyan Yue*, Chao Xia, Kunlun Yang, Pin Zhao, Baoyu Gao*, Hui Yu. The study of Na2SiO3 as conditioner used to deep dewater the urban sewage dewatered sludge by filter press. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 174: 331-337. (SCI)

47. Kaifang Fu, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao*, Yan Wang, Qian Li. Activated carbon from tomato stem by chemical activation with FeCl2. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017, 529: 842-849. (SCI)

48. Feilong Zhang, Qinyan Yue*, Yuan Gao, Baoyu Gao*, Xing Xu, Zhongfei Ren, Yang Jin. Application for oxytetracycline wastewater pretreatment by Fenton iron mud based cathodic-anodic-electrolysis ceramic granular fillers. Chemosphere, 2017, 182: 483-490. (SCI)

49. Kunlun Yang, Qinyan Yue*, Jiaojiao Kong, Pin Zhao, Yuan, Gao, Kaifang Fu, Baoyu, Gao*. Microbial diversity in combined UAF–UBAF system with novel sludge and coal cinder ceramic fillers for tetracycline wastewater treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 285: 319-330. (SCI)

50. Pin Zhao, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue*, Sicheng Liu, Ho Kyong Shon. Effect of high salinity on the performance of forward osmosis: Water flux, membrane scaling and removal efficiency. Desalination, 2016, 378: 67-73. (SCI)

51. Pin Zhao, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue*, Pan Liu, Ho Kyong Shon. Fatty acid fouling of forward osmosis membrane: Effects of pH, calcium, membrane orientation, initial permeate flux and foulant composition. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 46: 55-62. (SCI)

52. Pin Zhao, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue*, Sicheng Liu, Ho Kyong Shon. The performance of forward osmosis in treating high-salinity wastewater containing heavy metal Ni2+. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 288: 569-576. (SCI)

53. Jingzhen Zhang, Qinyan Yue*, Chao Xia, Kunlun Yang, Pin Zhao, Baoyu Gao, Hui Yu. The study of Na2SiO3 as conditioner used to deep dewater the urban sewage dewatered sludge by filter press. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 174: 331-337. (SCI)

54. Jing Sun, Wenlong Wang*, Qinyan Yue*. Review on Microwave-Matter Interaction Fundamentals and Efficient Microwave-Associated Heating Strategies. Materials 2016, 9,231. (SCI)

55. Hongtao He, Pin Zhao, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Dongting Yue, and Qian Li. A Novel Polynary Fatty Acid/Sludge Ceramsite Composite Phase Change Materials and Its Applications in Building Energy Conservation, Renewable Energy, 76 (2015), 45-52. (SCI)

56. Lijuan Feng, Wenyu Wang, Ruiqi Feng, Shuang Zhao, Hongyu Dong, Shenglei Sun, Baoyu Gao, and Qinyan Yue*. Coagulation Performance and Membrane Fouling of Different Aluminum Species During Coagulation/Ultrafiltration Combined Process, Chemical Engineering Journal, 262 (2015), 1161-67. (SCI)

57. Lijuan Feng, Shuang Zhao, Shenglei Sun, Wenyu Wang, Baoyu Gao, and Qinyan Yue*. Effect of Ph with Different Purified Aluminum Species on Coagulation Performance and Membrane Fouling in Coagulation/Ultrafiltration Process, Journal of hazardous materials, 300 (2015), 67-74. (SCI)

58. Yuan Gao, Qinyan Yue*, Yuanyuan Sun, Jianan Xiao, Bao-Yu Gao, Pin Zhao, and Hui Yu. Optimization of High Surface Area Activated Carbon Production from Enteromorpha Prolifra with Low-Dose Activating Agent, Fuel Processing Technology, 132 (2015), 180-87. (SCI)

59. Yuan Gao, Qinyan Yue*, Shiping Xu, Baoyu Gao, Qian Li, and Hui Yu. Preparation and Evaluation of Adsorptive Properties of Micro-Mesoporous Activated Carbon Via Sodium Aluminate Activation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 274 (2015), 76-83. (SCI)

60. Yujiao Kan, Qinyan Yue*, Jiaojiao Kong, Baoyu Gao, and Qian Li.The Application of Activated Carbon Produced from Waste Printed Circuit Boards (Pcbs) by H 3 Po 4 and Steam Activation for the Removal of Malachite Green, Chemical Engineering Journal, 260 (2015), 541-49. (SCI)

61. Jiaojiao Kong, Qinyan Yue*, Pin Zhao, Baoyu Gao, Qian Li, Yan Wang, Huu Hao Ngo, and Wenshan Guo. Comparative Study on Microstructure and Surface Properties of Keratin-and Lignocellulosic-Based Activated Carbons, Fuel Processing Technology, 140 (2015), 67-75. (SCI)

62. Suqing Wu, Yuanfeng Qi, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Yue Gao, Chunzhen Fan, and Shengbing He. Preparation of Ceramic Filler from Reusing Sewage Sludge and Application in Biological Aerated Filter for Soy Protein Secondary Wastewater Treatment, Journal of hazardous materials, 283 (2015), 608-16. (SCI)

63. Jianan Xiao, Baoyu Gao, Qinyan Yue*, Yuan Gao, and Qian Li. Removal of Trihalomethanes from Reclaimed-Water by Original and Modified Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron: Characterization, Kinetics and Mechanism, Chemical Engineering Journal, 262 (2015), 1226-36. (SCI)

64. Kunlun Yang, Qinyan Yue*, Wei Han, Jiaojiao Kong, Baoyu Gao, Pin Zhao, and Lian Duan. Effect of Novel Sludge and Coal Cinder Ceramic Media in Combined Anaerobic–Aerobic Bio-Filter for Tetracycline Wastewater Treatment at Low Temperature, Chemical Engineering Journal, 277 (2015), 130-39. (SCI)

65. Xiaowei Zhang, Qinyan Yue*, Dongting Yue, Baoyu Gao, and Xiaojuan Wang. Application of Fe0/C/Clay Ceramics for Decoloration of Synthetic Acid Red 73 and Reactive Blue 4 Wastewater by Micro-Electrolysis, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 9 (2015), 402-10. (SCI)

66. Pin Zhao, Baoyu Gao, Shiping Xu, Jiaojiao Kong, Defang Ma, Ho Kyong Shon, Qinyan Yue*, and Pan Liu. Polyelectrolyte-Promoted Forward Osmosis Process for Dye Wastewater Treatment – Exploring the Feasibility of Using Polyacrylamide as Draw Solute, Chemical Engineering Journal, 264 (2015), 32-38. (SCI)

67. Pin Zhao, Baoyu Gao, Qinyan Yue*, Jiaojiao Kong, Ho Kyong Shon, Pan Liu, and Yuan Gao. Explore the Forward Osmosis Performance Using Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide as Draw Solute for Dye Wastewater Reclamation in the Long-Term Process, Chemical Engineering Journal, 273 (2015), 316-24. (SCI)

68. Pin Zhao, Baoyu Gao, Qinyan Yue*, and Ho Kyong Shon. The Performance of Forward Osmosis Process in Treating the Surfactant Wastewater: The Rejection of Surfactant, Water Flux and Physical Cleaning Effectiveness, Chemical Engineering Journal, 281 (2015), 688-95. (SCI)

69. Jiaojiao Kong, Qinyan Yue*, Shenglei Sun, Baoyu Gao, Yujiao Kan, Qian Li, and Yan Wang. Adsorption of Pb (Ii) from Aqueous Solution Using Keratin Waste–Hide Waste: Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Modeling Studies, Chemical Engineering Journal, 241 (2014), 393-400. (SCI)

70. Yuanyuan Sun, Qinyan Yue*, Yanpeng Mao, Baoyu Gao, Yuan Gao, and Lihui Huang. Enhanced Adsorption of Chromium onto Activated Carbon by Microwave-Assisted H3PO4 Mixed with Fe/Al/Mn Activation, Journal of hazardous materials, 265 (2014), 191-200. (SCI)

71. Pin Zhao, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Jiaojiao Kong, Hongyan Rong, Pan Liu, Ho Kyong Shon, and Qian Li. Influence of Different Ion Types and Membrane Orientations on the Forward Osmosis Performance, Desalination, 344 (2014), 123-28. (SCI)

72. Qianqian Zhong, Qinyan Yue*, Qian Li, Baoyu Gao, and Xing Xu. Removal of Cu (Ii) and Cr (Vi) from Wastewater by an Amphoteric Sorbent Based on Cellulose-Rich Biomass, Carbohydrate polymers, 111 (2014), 788-96. (SCI)

73. Jianan Xiao, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Yuanyuan Sun, Jiaojiao Kong, Yuan Gao, Qian Li, and Yan Wang. Performance of Activated Carbon/Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron for Removal of Trihalomethanes (Thms) at Infinitesimal Concentration in Drinking Water, Chemical Engineering Journal, 253 (2014), 63-72. (SCI)

74. Pin Zhao, Qinyan Yue*, Hongtao He, Baoyu Gao, Yan Wang, and Qian Li. Study on Phase Diagram of Fatty Acids Mixtures to Determine Eutectic Temperatures and the Corresponding Mixing Proportions, Applied Energy, 115 (2014), 483-90.SCI

75. Yuan Gao, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Yuanyuan Sun, Wenyu Wang, Qian Li, Yan Wang. Preparation of high surface area-activated carbon from lignin of papermaking black liquor by KOH activation for Ni(II) adsorption. Chemical Engineering Journal217 (2013) 345–353. (SCI)

76. Wei Han, Qinyan Yue* Suqing Wu, Yaqin Zhao, Baoyu Gao, Qian Li, Yan Wang. Application and advantages of novel clay ceramic particles (CCPs) in an up-flow anaerobic bio-filter (UAF) for wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology,137 (2013) 171–178 (SCI)

77. Hongtao He, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Xiaowei Zhang, Qian Li, Yan Wang. The effects of compounding conditions on the properties of fatty acids eutectic mixtures as phase change materials. Energy Conversion and Management,69 (2013) 116–121 (SCI)

78. Jiaojiao Kong, Qinyan Yue*, Lihui Huang, Yuan Gao, Yuanyuan Sun, Baoyu Gao, Qian Li, Yan Wang. Preparation, characterization and evaluation of adsorptive properties of leather waste based activated carbon via physical and chemical activation. Chemical Engineering Journal221 (2013) 62–71 (SCI)

79. Yuanyuan Sun, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Yuan Gao, Qian Li, Yan Wang. Adsorption of hexavalent chromium on Arundo donax Linn activated carbon amine-crosslinked copolymer. Chemical Engineering Journal,217 (2013) 240–247 (SCI)

80. Kaifang Fu, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Yuanyuan Sun, Liujia Zhu. Preparation, characterization and application of lignin-based activated carbon from black liquor lignin by steam activation. Chemical Engineering Journal,228 (2013):1074–1082 (SCI)

81. Qian-Qian Zhong, Qinyan Yue*, Bao-Yu Gao, Qian Li, Xing Xu. A novel amphoteric adsorbent derived from biomass materials:Synthesis and adsorption for Cu(II)/Cr(VI) in single and binary systems. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 229: 90–98 (SCI)

82. Yuanyuan Sun, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Qian Li, Lihui Huang, Fujiang Yao, Xing Xu. Preparation of activated carbon derived from cotton linter fibers by fused NaOH activation and its application for oxytetracycline (OTC) adsorption. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 368(1), 521-527. (SCI)

83. Yuanyuan Sun, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Lihui Huang, Xing Xu, Qian Li. Comparative study on characterization and adsorption properties of activated carbons with H3PO4 and H4P2O7 activation employing Cyperus alternifolius as precursor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 181-182(0), 790-797. (SCI)

84. Yuanyuan Sun, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Bo Wang, Qian Li, Lihui Huang, Xing Xu. Comparison of activated carbons from Arundo donax Linn with H4P2O7 activation by conventional and microwave heating methods. Chemical Engineering Journal,2012, 192308-314.  (SCI)

85. Hongtao He, Qinyan Yue*, Yuan Su, Baoyu Gao, Yue Gao, Jingzhou Wang, Hui Yu. Preparation and mechanism of the sintered bricks produced from Yellow River silt and red mud. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 203-204 (2012), 53-61. (SCI)

86. Qian Li, Zuohao Ma, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Wenhong Li, Xing Xu. Synthesis, characterization and swelling behavior of superabsorbent wheat straw graft copolymers. Bioresource Technology, 118 (2012) 204-209.SCI

87. Yaqin Zhao, Qinyan Yue*, Qian Li, Xing Xu, Zhonglian Yang, Xiaojuan Wang, Baoyu Gao, Hui Yu. Characterization of red mud granular adsorbent (RMGA) and its performance on phosphate removal from aqueous solution. Chemical Engineering Journal193-194 (2012) 161-168.SCI

88. Yaqin Zhao, Qinyan Yue*, Qian Li, Qiuju Li, Baoyu Gao, Shuxin Han, Hui Yu. Influence of sintering temperature on orthophosphate and pyrophosphate removal behaviors of red mud granular adsorbents (RMGA). Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects,394 (2012) 1-7. SCI

89. Jun-Xian Liu, Qinyan Yue*, Bao-Yu Gao, Zuo-Hao Ma, Pei-Dong Zhang. Microbial treatment of the monosodium glutamate wastewater by Lipomyces starkeyi to produce microbial lipid. Bioresource Technology,106 (2012) 69–73.SCI

90. Suhong Chen, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Qian Li, Xing Xu, Kaifang Fu. Adsorption of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution by modified corn stalk: A fixed-bed column study. Bioresource Technology, 113 2012 114–120.SCI

91. Qian Li, Zuohao Ma, Qinyan Yue* , Baoyu Gao, Wenhong Li, Xing Xu. Synthesis, characterization and swelling behavior of superabsorbent wheat straw graft copolymers. Bioresource Technology,118 (2012) 204–209.SCI

92. Sun CuiZhen,Yue QinYan*,Gao BaoYu,Cao BaiChuan,Mu RuiMin,Zhang ZhiBin. Synthesis and floc properties of polymeric ferric aluminum chloride-polydimethyl diallylammonium chloride coagulant in coagulating humic acid-kaolin synthetic water. Chemical Engineering Journal,2012, 185-186, 29–34.SCI

93. Suhong Chen, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Qian Li, Xing Xu. Preparation and characteristics of anion exchanger from corn stalks. Desalination,274 (2011) 113–119.SCI

94. Suhong Chen, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Qian Li, Xing Xu. Removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution using modified corn stalks: Characteristic, equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic study. Chemical Engineering Journal,168 (2011) 909–917SCI

95. Yumei Guo, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao. Molecular docking study investigating the possible mode of binding of C.I. Acid Red 73 with DNA. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,49 (2011) 55–61. SCI

96. Suqing Wu, Yuanfeng Qi, Yue Gao, Yunyun Xu, Fan Gao, Huan Yu, Yue Lu, Qinyan Yue*, Jinze Li. Preparation of ceramic-corrosion-cell fillers and application for cyclohexanone industry wastewater treatment in electrobath reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials,196 (2011) 139– 144. SCI

97. Suqing Wu, Qinyan Yue*, Yuanfeng Qi, Baoyu Gao, Shuxin Han, Min Yue. Preparation of ultra-lightweight sludge ceramics (ULSC) and application for pharmaceutical advanced wastewater treatment in a biological aerobic filter (BAF). Bioresource Technology,102 (2011) 2296–2300.SCI

98. Zuohao Ma, Qian Li, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Wenhong Li, Xing Xu, Qianqian Zhong. Adsorption removal of ammonium and phosphate from water by fertilizer controlled release agent prepared from wheat straw. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 171(3): 1209-1217.SCI

99. Ma, Zuohao; Li, Qian; Yue, Qinyan*, Gao BaoYu , Xing Xu, Qianqian Zhong. Synthesis and characterization of a novel super-absorbent based on wheat straw. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(3):2853-2858SCI

100. Wen-Hong Li, Qinyan Yue*, Bao-Yu Gao, Zuo-Hao Ma, Yan-Jie Li, Hai-Xia Zhao. Preparation and utilization of sludge-based activated carbon for the adsorption of dyes from aqueous solutions, Chemical Engineering Journal,171 (2011) 320–327. SCI

101. Wen-Hong Li, Qinyan Yue*, Bao-Yu Gao, Xiao-Juan Wang, Yuan-Feng Qi, Ya-Qin Zhao, Yan-Jie Li. Preparation of sludge-based activated carbon made from paper mill sewage sludge by steam activation for dye wastewater treatment Desalination, 278 (2011) 179–185.SCI

102. Wenhong Li, Qinyan Yue*, Peng Tu, Zuohao Ma, Baoyu Gao, Jinze Li, Xing Xu. Adsorption characteristics of dyes in columns of activated carbon prepared from paper mill sewage sludge. Chemical Engineering Journal,178 (2011) 197–203. SCI

103. Zuohao  Ma,  Qian  Li,  Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu  Gao,  Wenhong  Li,  Xing  Xu, Qianqian  Zhong. Adsorption removal of ammonium and phosphate from water by fertilizer controlled  release  agent  prepared  from  wheat  straw. Chemical Engineering Journal,171 (2011) 1209– 1217. SCI

104. Yanjie Li, Qinyan Yue*, Wenhong Li, Baoyu Gao, Jinze Li, Jiadan Du. Properties improvement of paper mill sludge-based granular activated carbon fillers for fluidized-bed bioreactor by bentonite (Na) added and acid washing. Journal of Hazardous Materials,197 (2011) 33-39. SCI

105. Cuizhen Sun, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Ruimin Mu, Jing Liu, Yanxia Zhao, Zhonglian Yang, Weiying Xu. Effect of pH and shear force on flocs characteristics for humic acid removal using polyferric aluminum chloride–organic polymer dual-coagulants. Desalination,281 (2011) 243-247. SCI

106. Qian-Qian Zhong, Qin-Yan Yue, Qian Li, Xing Xu, Bao-Yu Gao. Preparation, characterization of modified wheat residue and its utilization for the anionic dye removal. Desalination, 267 (2011) 193–200.SCI

107. Qian Li, Qinyan Yue*, Yuan Su, Baoyu Gao. Equilibrium and a two-stage batch adsorber design for reactive or disperse dye removal to minimize adsorbent amount. Bioresource Technology,102 (2011) 5290–5296.SCI

108. Ying Li, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao. Adsorption kinetics and desorption of Cu(II) and Zn(II) from aqueous solution onto humic acid, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 178: 455-461. SCI

109. Qian Li, Qin-Yan Yue*, Hong-Jian Sun, Yuan Su, Bao-Yu Gao. A comparative study on the properties, mechanisms and process designs for the adsorption of non-ionic or anionic dyes onto cationic-polymer/bentonite, Journal of Environmental Management, 91 (2010) 1601-1611.SCI

110. Qian Li, Qin-Yan Yue*, Yuan Su, Bao-Yu Gao, Hong-Jian Sun. Equilibrium, thermodynamics and process design to minimize adsorbent amount for the adsorption of acid dyes onto cationic polymer-loaded bentonite, Chemical Engineering Journal, 158 (2010) 489-497. SCI

111. Suhong Chen, Qinyan Yue*, Baoyu Gao, Xing Xu. Equilibrium and kinetic adsorption study of the adsorptive removal of Cr(VI) using modified wheat residue. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 349 (2010) 256–264SCI

112. Wen-Yi Wang, Qin-Yan Yue*, Xing Xu, Bao-Yu Gao, Jian Zhang, Qian Li, Jing-Tao Xu. Optimized conditions in preparation of giant reed quaternary amino anion exchanger for phosphate removal, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010, 157 (1): 161-167.SCI

113. Yuanfeng Qi, Qinyan Yue*, Shuxin Han, Min Yue, Baoyu Gao, Hui Yu, Tian Shao. Preparation and Mechanism of Ultra-Lightweight Ceramics Produced from Sewage Sludge, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010,176: 76-84.SCI

114. Qinyan Yue*, Yaqin Zhao, Qian Li, Wenhong Li, Baoyu Gao, Shuxin Han, Yuanfeng Qi, Hui Yu. Research on the characteristics of red mud granular adsorbents (RMGA) for phosphate removal, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010,176:741-748.SCI

115. Yaqin Zhao, Qinyan Yue, Qian Li, Baoyu Gao, Shuxin Han, Hui Yu. The regeneration characteristics of various red mud granular adsorbents (RMGA) for phosphate removal using different desorption reagents. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 182 (2010) 309–316.SCI



1. 一种花生壳石墨烯复合气凝胶吸油材料及其制备方法;发明人:岳钦艳,李楠,高宝玉;专利号:ZL201811119941.12021.8.10日授权

2. 一种以秸秆-石墨烯杂合体为载体原位负载零价铜的催化剂及其制备方法与应用,发明人:岳钦艳,宋彦,高宝玉,严建国;专利号:ZL201911376901.X2021.11.30日授权

3. 一种生物电化学厌氧微电解共混耦合强化处理高浓度环丙沙星废水的方法;发明人:高宝玉 张龙龙 岳钦艳 陈子涵;2021319日授权;ZL 201710207685.0

4. 一种高效去除土霉素的抗板结铁--铜三元电解填料及其制备与应用;发明人:高宝玉 张飞龙 岳钦艳 金杨 王勃;202017日授权;ZL 201611239112.8

5. 一种芬顿铁泥阴阳极一体化陶粒及利用芬顿铁泥制备陶粒的方法;发明人:高宝玉 张飞龙 岳钦艳 王勃 赵梦瑶 孙据正;2020925日授权;ZL 201611220579.8

6. 一种铜粉改性废旧电路板活性炭的制备方法,发明人:岳钦艳,阚渝姣,高宝玉,专利号:ZL 2017 1 0530017.12019.8.27日授权

7. 一种氧化铜改性环氧树脂基活性炭的制备方法。发明人:高宝玉,阚渝姣,岳钦艳。申请日期:201773日,申请号:201710530016720191231日授权公告。

8. 一种高产率介孔活性炭的制备方法;岳钦艳 高原 高宝玉 徐世平 孙媛媛 金杨 阚渝姣;2018821日授权;ZL 201610028030.2

9. 一种微孔发达活性炭的制备方法;岳钦艳 朱秀珍 高原 高宝玉;2017128日授权;ZL 201511022466.2

10. 一种用于处理吡啶废水的抗板结微电解颗粒填料及制备方法;岳钦艳 金杨 杨昆仑 高宝玉;20171117日授权;ZL 201510697326.9

11. 污泥深度脱水方法;岳钦艳 夏超 高宝玉;2016817日;ZL 201410479282.8

12. 一种高比表面积多级孔径活性炭的制备方法;岳钦艳 高原 高宝玉 孙媛媛 黄德毅 轩臻;2016615日;ZL 201410138954.9

13. 一种以聚合氯化铝废渣和赤泥为主料的免烧砖及其制备方法;岳钦艳 岳东亭 高宝玉 何红桃 张晓伟 王小娟;2016120日,ZL 201310486365.5

14. 一种以煤矸石和赤泥为主料的免烧砖及其制备方法;岳钦艳 姜婷婷 魏媛媛 郑皓月 李文凯 岳东亭;2016413日;ZL 201410334612.4

15. 一种有机垃圾联合厌氧消化处理装置;岳钦艳 林聪 闫茂鲁 唐龙翔 张淑萍 岳敏 李倩;2018525日;ZL 201511025217.9

16. 一种制备活性炭联产氯化钙的方法;岳钦艳 高原 高宝玉 孙媛媛 黄德毅 阚渝姣;201623日;ZL 201410502385.1

17. 一种用于处理四环素类抗生素废水的工艺与装置;岳钦艳 杨昆仑 高宝玉 金杨;2016217日;ZL 201410664259.6

18. Method for preparing anti-hardening granulous ceramic iron-carbon micro-electrolysis filler by using industrial waste; Qinyan Yue Deyi Huang Baoyu Gao Yuanyuan sun Xiaowei Zhang Yuan Gao Kaifang Fu Jiaojiao Kong;专利号:US 9428407B22016.08.30

19. 一种处理丙烯腈废水的吸附剂及其制备方法与应用;岳钦艳 肖佳楠 高宝玉;2015114日;ZL 201310494670.9

20. 一种碱法造纸黑液木质素制备粉末活性炭的方法;岳钦艳 高原 高宝玉 孙媛媛 李倩 王文语;20151118日;ZL 201210207757.9

21. 一种阳离子型活性炭的制备方法;岳钦艳 孙媛媛 高悦 许醒 高宝玉 黄理辉;2015513日;ZL 201210338325.1

22. 一种以废皮革为原料微波法制备活性炭的方法;岳钦艳 孔娇娇 高宝玉 黄理辉;2015826日;ZL 201310112170.4

23. 一种制备抗板结粒状免烧铁碳微电解材料的方法;岳钦艳 黄德毅 高宝玉 王树森 张冰洁 齐元峰;2015826日;ZL 201410098470.6

24. 利用工业废弃物制备抗板结粒状陶制铁碳微电解填料的方法;岳钦艳 黄德毅 高宝玉 孙媛媛 张晓伟 高原 傅凯放 孔娇娇;201411日;ZL 201310173058.1

25. 利用木焦油制备高比表面积活性炭的方法;岳钦艳 孙媛媛 高悦 姚付江 许醒 高宝玉 高原;2014416日;ZL 201210338928.1

26. 秸秆大规模厌氧发酵工艺及装置;岳钦艳 王群峰 李倩 岳敏;201312日;ZL 200810159283.9

27. 斜板式电镀废水重金属去除装置及滤板的制作方法;岳钦艳 王小娟 高悦 叶新强 齐元峰 高宝玉 祁振;201312日;ZL 201110189802.8

28. 旋转式染料废水脱色装置及吸附板的制作方法;岳钦艳 王小娟 张梦玉 赵雅琴 高宝玉 王瑞 韩薇;201336日;ZL 201110404513.5

29. 一种多介孔西红柿杆活性炭的制备方法;岳钦艳 孙媛媛 高悦 高宝玉 邱宪峰 黄理辉 何红桃;2013612日;ZL 201110315217.8

30. 一种多元脂肪酸定形相变材料及其制备方法;王俊鹏 何红桃 岳钦艳 叶新强 高悦 高宝玉 高桂波;2013424日;ZL 201110435480.0

31. 一种粒状防板结酸碱两用三元微电解填料及其制备方法;岳钦艳 张晓伟 吴苏清 高悦 王勃 岳东亭 高宝玉;2013612日;ZL 201210015774.2

32. 一种气氛可调双控温复合式陶粒烧结回转炉;岳钦艳 岳东亭 高宝玉 王勃 李雁杰 何红桃 王小娟 张晓伟;201394日;ZL 201320006818.5

33. 一种铁铜微电解反应槽及镀铜铁丝网版的制备方法;岳钦艳 张晓伟 吴苏清 高悦 王勃 岳东亭 高宝玉;2013116日;ZL 201210056772.8

34. 一种小麦秸秆基高吸水性树脂的制备方法;岳钦艳 王瑞 李倩 马作豪 高宝玉 彭娜娜 王小娟;2013925日;ZL 201110435483.4

35. 一种厌氧、好氧污水处理装置及污水处理的方法;岳钦艳 韩薇 吴苏清 高宝玉;2013612日;ZL 201110384802.3

36. 斜板式电镀废水重金属去除装置;岳钦艳 王小娟 高悦 叶新强 齐元峰 高宝玉 祁振;2012-01-11ZL 201120238310.9

37. 农业秸秆两性螯合吸附剂的制备方法及应用;岳钦艳 钟倩倩 李倩 许醒 高宝玉;2012-04-25ZL 201010207804.0

38. 一种轻质阴、阳极水处理滤料及其制备方法;岳钦艳 齐元峰 王静洲 郗斐 屠鹏 王浩;2012-05-30ZL 200910255808.3

39. 一种造纸污泥颗粒活性炭填料及其制备方法;岳钦艳 李雁杰 高悦 于欢 高宝玉 赵海霞 于慧;2012-07-04ZL 201110103056.6

40. 一种气氛可调式双控温段陶粒烧结炉;岳钦艳 何红桃 叶新强 高悦 高宝玉岳东亭;201295日;ZL 201120563241.9

41. 一种气氛可调双控温复合式陶粒烧结回转炉;岳钦艳 岳东亭 高宝玉 王勃 李雁杰 何红桃 王小娟 张晓伟;201394日;ZL 201320006818.5

42. 一种铁铜微电解反应槽;岳钦艳 张晓伟 吴苏淸 高悦 王勃 岳东亭 高宝玉;20121017日;ZL 201220080879.1

43. 螺旋悬挂式赤泥膜袋吸附除磷装置;岳钦艳;赵聪聪;张成禄;李倩;韦锋;于淼;柴君2011.3.20ZL200820233330.5

44. 一种碳化活化一体式活性炭烧结装置的工作方法;岳钦艳 齐元峰 李雁杰 高宝玉 郗斐 高悦;2011-11-23ZL 200910256102.9

45. 一种复合多功能水处理反应器;岳钦艳 李雁杰 赵海霞 高悦 高宝玉;2011-11-23ZL 201120063882.8

46. 一种混合型污泥陶粒陶砂曝气盘及其制造方法;岳钦艳 齐元峰 李文红 高宝玉 郗斐 高悦;2011-09-28ZL 200910255809.8

47. 一种污泥钢渣超轻陶粒及其制备方法;岳钦艳 齐元峰 高宝玉 文毅章 吴苏清 于慧 岳敏;2011-09-28ZL 200910016302.7

48. 一种污泥陶粒在污水处理中的应用;岳钦艳 韩术鑫 岳敏 李仁波 赵雅琴 高宝玉;2011-09-14ZL 200810138313.8

49. 一种利用DSD酸工业污泥制备轻质陶粒的方法;岳钦艳 高悦 齐元峰 吴苏清 吴春松 高宝玉;2011-08-10ZL 200910018006.0

50. 一种混合型污泥陶砂曝气头及其制造方法;岳钦艳 齐元峰 李文红 高宝玉 郗斐 高悦;2011-06-01ZL 200910256101.4

51. 一种复合多功能水处理反应器;岳钦艳 李雁杰 赵海霞 高悦 高宝玉;2011-11-23ZL 201120063882.8

52. 氯化锌改性赤泥的制备方法;岳钦艳;韦锋;于淼;赵聪聪;李倩;柴君;张红;续广智;2010-09-29ZL 200910015133.5

53. 一种气氛可调式高温陶粒烧结装置;岳钦艳;齐元峰;王学强;高宝玉;郗斐;岳敏;2010-09-08ZL 200920291072.0

54. 一种阳离子型聚丙烯酰胺反相微乳液的制备方法;岳钦艳;齐元峰;王学强;高宝玉;郗斐;岳敏;2010-08-25ZL 200810017063.2

55. 一种两段复合式陶粒烧结器;岳钦艳 齐元峰 王学强 高宝玉 高悦;2010-07-07ZL 200920030276.9

56. 利用高纤维素含量植物制备季胺盐阳离子型吸附剂的方法;岳钦艳;王文懿;高宝玉;许醒;张建;2010-06-02ZL 200810138205.0

57. 聚环氧氯丙烷二甲胺阳离子膨润土的制备方法;岳钦艳;李静;李倩;原爱娟;高宝玉;2010-04-14ZL200810138049.8

58. 一种两段复合式陶粒烧结器及其工作方法;岳钦艳 齐元峰 王学强 高宝玉 高悦;2010-01-06ZL 200910017192.6

59. 酸化污泥膨润土颗粒的制备方法;岳钦艳;原爱娟;李倩;高宝玉;李静;贾洪玉;2010-10-13ZL 200810157252.X

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63. 聚环氧氯丙烷二甲胺阳离子膨润土颗粒的制备方法;岳钦艳;原爱娟;李倩;高宝玉;2009-11-04ZL200710114795.9

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65. 膜生物反应器的液位自动控制装置;岳钦艳;张栋华;王曙光;高宝玉;刘贤玮;巩文信;孙逊;2006-09-20ZL 200520087243.X



1. 生物质基环保功能材料的制备及应用基础研究成果获得2020年度山东省自然科学二等奖,第2获奖人。

2. 农作物秸秆基吸附材料的制备、性能和作用行为研究成果获2019年度教育部自然科学奖二等奖,第3 获奖人。

3. 工业固体废物基环境友好材料-陶粒的研发和应用 成果2014年度山东省技术发明二等奖,第1 获奖人(获奖人:岳钦艳,齐元峰,高悦,岳敏,韩术鑫,韩薇)。

4. 基于污泥和工业固体废物的环境友好材料的研制和应用成果获2015年度教育部高等学校技术发明二等奖,第1 获奖人(获奖人:岳钦艳,高宝玉,齐元峰,高悦,岳敏,黄德毅)。

5. 污泥低成本减量化、资源化关键技术与装备成果获2016年度中国产学研合作创新成果二等奖,第1 获奖人(获奖人:岳钦艳,高宝玉,赵改菊,岳敏,齐元峰,邢召良,高悦 )。

6. 新型水和废水处理用混凝剂与吸附材料研制及性能成果获2013年度山东省科技进步一等奖,第3 获奖人。

7. 新型混凝剂与吸附材料的特性、作用效果与行为研究成果获2013年度教育部自然科学二等奖,第2获奖人。

8. 复合高分子絮凝剂的絮凝行为和作用机制研究成果获2017年度教育部自然科学二等奖,第3 获奖人。

9. 高效水处理混凝剂及新型深度氧化方法基础研究成果获2017年度重庆市自然科学一等奖,第4获奖人。

10. 新型高分子絮凝剂、性能及其在水和废水中的应用成果获2009年度教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果技术发明一等奖,第2 获奖人。

11. 水和废水处理混凝剂和吸附剂的行为和作用机制研究成果获2010年度山东省自然科学二等奖,第2 获奖人。

12. 高效多功能无机-有机复合水处理剂的研制及开发2006年度山东省科技进步二等奖,第2获奖人。

13. 聚合铝硅无机高分子水处理剂2003年度教育部提名国家科技进步二等奖,第2 获奖人。



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